Incorporation of a company and related proceedings

Would you like to incorporate a company in Spain? Are you willing to start with the pertinent  proceedings but you do not know how to start? Have you already incorporated a company and what you want to do now is to make changes within the board of directors or changing the business address? OTIS Advocaten can help you with this.

Incorporating a company in Spain might be the beginning of a big business project for many. It is a way to set in motion the desired business and generate the desired or expected revenue.

At the time of incorporating a company, some important decisions must be taken, such as, for example, choosing a name for the company, its business address, its shareholders’ structure and its directors. Therefore, those willing to incorporate a company will be able to choose in which way they want to structure it.

A company can be composed of a sole shareholder or several shareholders and they can be either individuals or companies. Likewise, with regard to the directors of the company, there might be one single director or several director, either individuals or companies. The directors of the company, in case there is more than one, can have different types of representation faculties depending on the type of structure: the company might then have, for example, a sole director, two joint and several directors, two joint directors or a board of directors. Depending on the type of representation that the interested party is willing to choose, one type of structure or the other must be chosen.

The incorporation process of a company might take some time and depends on the circumstances of every case. In any case, there are always certain proceedings to be carried out (choosing a name, a business address, granting a notarial deed of incorporation and registering it in the Commercial Registry, opening a bank account, etc.).

After incorporating a company, it is possible that the interested party decides to make some changes within the structure of the company, such as the need or convenience to modify the director’s structure (changing from a sole director to two joint and several directors) or changing the business address. In order to carry out these changes, it is necessary to prepare the relevant documents stating the agreements reached by the shareholders of the company. A notarial deed stating such agreement would be afterwards granted and later registered in the Commercial Registry.

At OTIS Advocaten we would be pleased to assist you in case you want to incorporate a company in Spain or make any changes within the already existing company. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any of these issues.

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