The importance of your digital identity in Spain

In Spain, the use of digital identity is not as widespread as it is in the Netherlands, however it is becoming convenient or even mandatory for more and more procedures, especially when it comes to interacting with the Public Administrations.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown how necessary it is to have a digital identity because until now, in Spain, we were very used to “getting out our home or the office” to do in person practically all the paperwork and formalities.

Nowadays, even though most of the restrictions imposed after the state of alarm have been lifted, it is still very difficult to obtain a prior appointment in person with Public Administrations such as the Tax Agency (for matters related to income, companies, assets, among others), Social Security, the State Public Employment Service and Town Halls, to name a few examples.

For individuals, having a certificate in Spain, although it is not yet mandatory, is a highly recommended convenience due to the above explained, since it will allow you to carry out transactions electronically, in the same way as in the Netherlands you do them with DigID.

For legal entities, having a digital certificate is mandatory, so if you are thinking of registering as a self-employed worker or setting up a company in Spain, when you are going to request a Spanish NIE or CIF, also consult your lawyer how to request your identity digital.

OTIS Advocaten can advise and assist you when obtaining a digital certificate. Contact us for more information.

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