Website launch with information about COVID-19 Pandemic by OTIS Legal Group

Website launch with information about COVID-19 Pandemic by OTIS Legal Group

Everyone knows that the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has hit Spain in a very hard manner. The virus has a hard impact in Spain, with drastic consequences for the economy and society. The use of a mandatory mask, the applauses for medical personnel every night at 20:00, as well as the lockdown terms, alarm status and emergency measures have become part of the current Spanish society.

The Government is passing all types of rules and laws in a very fast way in order to try to control the Coronavirus crisis. These measures affect various legal fields and, like many rules, they are ad hoc measures without precedent. It turns out that they can become confusing even for the Government . It is understandable that it often becomes difficult for the citizens and, therefore, for our clients, to follow the situation and to have a global vision of the situation.

We receive many different questions from our Dutch clients about this subject and for this reason OTIS Legal Group has selected the most relevant measures for its clients in corporate, labour, tenancy and property law.

Are you an employer or an employee, or are you perhaps the owner or the tenant of a property in Spain, or are you dealing with an inheritance related to Spain? In this case, you may be interested in obtaining information about the measures that have been taken with regard to the Coronavirus in Spain and what they may mean to you.

We invite you to visit the page about Covid-19 of OTIS Legal Group. You will find up-to-date information and you will always be informed about the latest news concerning the Coronavirus in Spain. The Dutch-Spanish team from OTIS Legal Group is always at your disposal to advise you on issues related to the Coronavirus.

Fortunately, the country is re-opening step by step and, above all, the security measures are every time broader. However, the state of alarm may be extended again and all the measures that have been taken may be kept for some time until the country returns to normality. For this reason, we strongly advise  everyone to be well informed and to contact OTIS Legal Group in case they need advice in connection with the Coronavirus in Spain.

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+34 93 272 50 98

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Príncipe de Vergara 73
28006 Madrid
+34 91 521 37 86

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La Rambla 13
07003 Palma de Mallorca
+34 97 171 33 95

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Calle Illa Plana 7
07800 Ibiza
+34 97 171 33 95

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Ramón Gómez de la Serna 22
29602 Marbella
+34 95 140 01 87

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Prins Bernhardplein 200
1097 JB Amsterdam
+31 (0)20 820 35 89