Own articles on current topics, with photos of our own colleagues

Turn Spanish labor regulations to your advantage

Turn Spanish labor regulations to your advantage

The Spanish labor market has specific characteristics and limitations that are important for employers, such as limited opportunities for temporary contracts, maximum overtime and, above all, many collective bargaining agreements. OTIS Legal Group is ready to help you...

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Tax liabilities for (non-)residents in Spain

Tax liabilities for (non-)residents in Spain

Whether you are planning to spend short periods in Spain or are considering settling there permanently, it is important that you seek proper tax advice to know exactly what taxes you have to pay. Both as a resident and non-resident. Resident in Spain You have to pay...

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Directors, watch out for joint and several liability

Directors, watch out for joint and several liability

From the unexpected corner The risks for entrepreneurs and businesses are already so extensive in today's dynamic world, you would almost forget that there may also be those from legislation. Most entrepreneurs and directors are also directors (in Spain...

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An accident in Spain? OTIS recovers damages for you

An accident in Spain? OTIS recovers damages for you

Even in Spain, accidents are often in a small corner. In the event of damages, compensation for injuries and property damage can be claimed from the liable party, restitution for expenses incurred and sometimes even an amount for moral damages. Vacation breakdown in...

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Tourist rentals in Spain. What you need to know.

Tourist rentals in Spain. What you need to know.

More and more individuals are offering their homes in Spain for rent through platforms such as Airbnb. Of course, also by Dutch people. Spain wants to keep control over this, which leads to requirements to rent out properties and fines if not met. Local differences,...

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Even in Spain assured of good insurance?

Even in Spain assured of good insurance?

OTIS heals in the legal field, but we also recognize: prevention is better than cure! Are you considering buying a property in Spain or expanding your business into the Spanish market? Then it is essential to think about the right insurance. Moving to another country...

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Selling your property in Spain without worries

Selling your property in Spain without worries

Selling your property in Spain without worries! Spain, the land of beautiful beaches and bustling cities, attracts thousands of people each year in search of a slice of paradise. Not only is acquiring a property in Spain an extensive process, so is selling it. If you...

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OTIS Legal Barcelona

Rambla de Cataluña 73
08007 Barcelona
+34 93 272 50 98

OTIS Legal Madrid

Príncipe de Vergara 73
28006 Madrid
+34 91 521 37 86

OTIS Legal Mallorca

La Rambla 13
07003 Palma de Mallorca
+34 97 171 33 95

OTIS Legal Ibiza

Calle Illa Plana 7
07800 Ibiza
+34 97 171 33 95

OTIS Legal Marbella

Ramón Gómez de la Serna 22
29602 Marbella
+34 95 140 01 87

OTIS Legal Amsterdam

Prins Bernhardplein 200
1097 JB Amsterdam
+31 (0)20 820 35 89