Insolvency law

Do you have a question? Click here and contact us, you are very welcome

Our lawyers in Spain can efficiently and pragmatically inform and assist you on all aspects of bankruptcy in Spain.

We guide your company when bankruptcy is imminent and advise parent companies, shareholders, entrepreneurs and directors on risks, responsibilities, and obligations.

This is with the aim of providing the best possible legal protection for data subjects.

Preventing directors’ liability in Spain

Crucially, avoiding directors’ liability in Spain.

Spanish law stipulates when directors’ liability is triggered. It is very important to keep an eye on these provisions to avoid directors’ liability. Here, it is important to seek expert advice in time.

OTIS Legal Group can be your lawyer here to avoid directors’ liability in Spain.

Direct contact about bankruptcy law in Spain?

Is your business in dire straits? Contact us immediately.

Call us on 0034 93 272 50 98, request a video call or email us your details using the link below.

My question to OTIS Spain

Response within 1 working day, no charge.


OTIS Legal Barcelona

Rambla de Cataluña 73
08007 Barcelona
+34 93 272 50 98

OTIS Legal Madrid

Príncipe de Vergara 73
28006 Madrid
+34 91 521 37 86

OTIS Legal Mallorca

La Rambla 13
07003 Palma de Mallorca
+34 97 171 33 95

OTIS Legal Ibiza

Calle Illa Plana 7
07800 Ibiza
+34 97 171 33 95

OTIS Legal Marbella

Ramón Gómez de la Serna 22
29602 Marbella
+34 95 140 01 87

OTIS Legal Amsterdam

Prins Bernhardplein 200
1097 JB Amsterdam
+31 (0)20 820 35 89