Tax law

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Legal advice regarding Tax Law in Spain

If you emigrate to Spain or start a business there, you are likely to become a taxpayer in Spain.

Resident or non-resident in Spain

We strongly advise you to check whether you are a resident, as this has a big impact on your taxes.

If you spend more than 183 days per calendar year in Spain, you will be considered a tax resident in Spain. After purchasing property and with income in Spain, both residents and non-residents have to deal with the Spanish tax authorities. Depending on whether you are a resident or non-resident, certain taxes apply. Taxes are collected by three government bodies, at state, regional (autonomous community) and municipal levels.

Are we a good match?

Do you need a lawyer in Spain and think we are a good match?

Call us on 0034 93 272 50 98, ask for a video call or email us your direct question using the link below.

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Response within 1 working day


OTIS Legal Barcelona

Rambla de Cataluña 73
08007 Barcelona
+34 93 272 50 98

OTIS Legal Madrid

Príncipe de Vergara 73
28006 Madrid
+34 91 521 37 86

OTIS Legal Mallorca

La Rambla 13
07003 Palma de Mallorca
+34 97 171 33 95

OTIS Legal Ibiza

Calle Illa Plana 7
07800 Ibiza
+34 97 171 33 95

OTIS Legal Marbella

Ramón Gómez de la Serna 22
29602 Marbella
+34 95 140 01 87

OTIS Legal Amsterdam

Prins Bernhardplein 200
1097 JB Amsterdam
+31 (0)20 820 35 89