Our legal artist

Tjaard Gimbrère, our founder

When our founder, our patriarch, our legal artist, to name all superlatives, was able to call himself a lawyer at a young age, he first went to South America for 6 weeks.

Although this opening may not align with the desired solid story of a lawyer who graduates with honours and then devotes 24/7 of his time to the law, it is indeed indicative of how OTIS Legal Group still operates.

OTIS looks beyond the local environment, OTIS follows what’s happening in the world, OTIS delves into the customer, OTIS treads its own paths, and all this has led to OTIS Legal Group becoming the only Dutch office in Spain with several own branches and also by far the largest Dutch office in Spain helping internationals with their legal matters in this amazing country.

Thanks to Tjaard Gimbrère, our founder, patriarch, and legal artist!

Peter Faber and the Iceman

The link to other remarkable individuals is quickly made. Good old and very friendly Peter Faber (if you meet Peter, you are immediately a fan!) provided house performances as if it were nothing, and the Dutch Iceman was mentioned as if he were just an ordinary guy. Of course, Tjaard knew him personally and he takes cold showers every morning. Fortunately, the rest of the OTIS team gets to decide on this themselves.

When you visit our founder’s home, original LPs are played, eggs are fried, his sympathetic daughters drop by unexpectedly, and you wonder what the link to the legal profession was again.

Exactly that!

Authentic, always different, a pleasure to work with, open to other approaches (but within the beautiful margins), and whatever happens, you are grateful for the warm welcome, openness, and honesty.

Legal Artist

There was doubt about whether to mention the following story on the website. OTIS now represents the interests of renowned families, companies, investors, banks, and insurers, and Tjaard’s adventures and statements often – let’s diplomatically say – go beyond the beaten paths.

Tjaard’s beautiful and authentic office had a large garage. The company that occupied the building before Tjaard used it as storage space, which was of no use to Tjaard and his law firm. Suddenly, for the umpteenth time, Tjaard saw the light:

“I’ve got it! I’m going to turn it into a theater! “No taking it slow, in no time it was realized, and not just like that, interior specialists gave it a 1920s atmosphere (of the previous century, of course), and a full-page article was even published in the newspaper about probably the only law firm in the Netherlands with its own theater.

The interior designer elaborated beautifully and professionally in the article about the 1920s, the atmosphere he wanted to create, how confident he was that people would feel good and relaxed there, what a great contribution the theater was to the city, and how much effort it took to find those old red velvet curtains and chairs. You just felt like you were in the 1920s.

Tjaard’s comment in the newspaper:

“Yeah, I just wanted it to look nice and sleazy.”

Gone was the interior designer’s argument, gone was the appreciation from the municipality, and gone was the connection with the target audience (although this last part turned out to be not so bad afterwards :-).

In response to a cancellation Tjaard received for the opening, the respective tax advisor had jokingly written “Best regards from your Tax Artist”, Tjaard replied with “Greetings from your Legal Artist” and since then Tjaard has rightfully been known as such.

When you walk down the street with Tjaard, don’t be surprised if people get up from terraces to hug him as if he were Peter Faber himself.

The Meaning of Life?

When you speak with Tjaard, you cannot avoid discussing the eternal questions of life: what is the meaning of life and what will the story be for the future?

Within OTIS, the torches have been passed, but Tjaard drops in when he feels like it, lets us go our own way, but you can see how he enjoys seeing what a team there is and how well it’s going!

Thank you Tjaard, the beautiful life is well deserved for you and infinite thanks for the wonderful company you have built! (And yes, we promise, we’ll hang up those red velvet curtains again someday!).

Interested in speaking with the successors of our Legal Artist?

Do you need a lawyer in Spain and do you think we are a good match?

Call us at +34 93 272 50 98, request a video call, or email us your question directly via the link below.

My non-binding question to OTIS

Response within 1 working day, no costs.

OTIS Legal Barcelona

Rambla de Cataluña 73
08007 Barcelona
+34 93 272 50 98

OTIS Legal Madrid

Príncipe de Vergara 73
28006 Madrid
+34 91 521 37 86

OTIS Legal Mallorca

La Rambla 13
07003 Palma de Mallorca
+34 97 171 33 95

OTIS Legal Ibiza

Calle Illa Plana 7
07800 Ibiza
+34 97 171 33 95

OTIS Legal Marbella

Ramón Gómez de la Serna 22
29602 Marbella
+34 95 140 01 87

OTIS Legal Amsterdam

Prins Bernhardplein 200
1097 JB Amsterdam
+31 (0)20 820 35 89