Richard Hoffmann

Richard Hoffmann

Richard’s background is “Finance & Organization” from his own company in 6 European countries. Since 2012 Richard has been working at OTIS Advocaten as financial controller in Barcelona where the offices from Marbella, Mallorca, Ibiza and Madrid are organized.

After 30 years with a Spanish wife and in-laws, he understands the differences between Northern and Southern Europe like no other. The legal road in Spain is long and we often come to a settlement in the end. Make a good assessment of the importance of a case and do not immediately dive deep into the laws. Strong negotiation is often a faster and better solution.

He is also an Real Estate Agent (registered API; Agentes y Peritos Inmobiliarios) and represents people by the purchase of properties in Spain.

Richard studied Business Studies at Anglia University in Cambridge.


Dutch, Spanish, French, German, Catalan and English